– Isometric Bridge Hold
Start by laying on your back with your hands by your sides and your feet tucked into your hips. Then lift your hips by squeezing the glutes. Keep your core, hamstrings and glute muscles braced as best you can and hold this position for 10-20 seconds. Repeat for 3-5 sets.

– Single Leg Bridge
Start by laying on your back with your hands by your sides and your feet tucked into your hips. Then lift your hips by squeezing the glutes. Then, keep your core nice and stable and lift one foot into the air and slowly lower yourself down with your opposite leg, squeezing the hamstring and glute as best you can. Repeat this for 10-15 repetitions, then switch legs. Repeat for 3-5 sets.

– Pistol Squat
From a standing position hold your arms out in front of you for balance. Place one leg out in front of you and with the standing leg keep a stable foot and brace the glute, hamstring and quad. Slowly lower yourself down through the eccentric movement keeping the integrity of your core and making sure your kneecap is aligning with your second toe (don’t let your knee roll inwards). Explode back up through the concentric part of the movement. Perform 8-12 repetitions before switching legs. Repeat this for 3-5 sets.
Tip: If you struggle with pistol squats, you can assist yourself by holding on to something to support your balance and you can also squat onto a chair or a table if you can’t reach the full range of motion.

– High Plank Glute Kickbacks
Place your hands on the floor shoulder-width apart and have your legs out straight with your feet together. Keep your back straight by bracing your core. Then raise one leg into the air as far as you can, making sure to squeeze the glute muscle. Perform 10-20 repetitions before switching legs. Repeat this for 3-5 sets.

– Isometric Squat Hold
Start in a standing position, your feet should be aligned just outside of your shoulders. Brace the glutes, hamstrings and quads and lower yourself down so your hips reach just below parallel. Keep everything engaged including the core, squeeze the glutes and hold this bottom position for 10 to 20 seconds then push yourself back to a stand position. Repeat this 3-5 times.

– Side Plank with Abduction
Start in a side plank position, your elbow should be aligned with your shoulder and the side of your foot planted firmly on the floor. Brace your core and glute muscles to ensure you are straight and stable. Then raise your free leg upwards as far as you can go then slowly lower it down. Do this for 10-15 repetitions before switching sides. Complete this sequence for 3-5 sets.

– Calf Raises
Start by placing your forefoot on a step and your heels able to drop below the step. Brace your glutes, then use your calves to raise yourself onto your tiptoes and then slowly lower your heel below the level of the step. Repeat this motion for 10-20 repetitions, 3-5 sets.