How to Deal With Running Injuries

Injuries are par for the course when it comes to marathon training; you can’t expect to train so hard and not have any injuries. Whilst injuries are not guaranteed, it’s best to embrace the fact that you may get injured and develop a positive outlook that will help to ensure that you recover from any potential injuries quickly.

Most psychologists agree that the speed of recovery from injury can be strongly influenced by a patient’s outlook, therefore staying positive and developing an injury recovery plan before you have an injury will help greatly. As prevention is better than cure before we cover how to deal with injuries,  here are our Top 5 Tips on how to prevent injuries when marathon training:

  1. Wear properly fitted running shoes – Improper running shoes are the main cause of injury we see in our experience
  2. Avoid overtraining – Make sure you have at least one clear rest day each week and listen to your body if you are feeling tired
  3. Ensure you get quality sleep every night – as almost all recovery from exercise occurs when you are sleeping it is paramount to get at least 7 hours of quality sleep each night
  4. Avoid alcohol – alcohol influenced injuries are so common that the majority of accidents amongst customers occur under the influence of alcohol
  5. Avoid making major changes to your lifestyle in the lead up to your marathon – trying a new sports and activities can be high risk, as you are most likely to get an injury when starting out in a sport or activity

Running Marathon Injuries

The 48 hours after an injury are the most critical time for reducing injury symptoms, the way you respond to the injury can drastically affect both the severity of symptoms as well as your recovery time. We have already published a blog on why the 48 hours post injury are so important, so have a read for much more detailed information on how to deal with running injuries.

There are several effective injury treatments, which all depend on the type and severity of the injury, we also have published another blog on effective treatments for sports injuries which explains some of the best treatments for less serious injuries. If you are still in doubt about the type of treatment required then please don’t hesitate to contact us for some impartial guidance on what healthcare professional will offer the best type of treatment for your particular type of injury; remember to stay positive these things are sent to test us!

Here is the next blog article in the marathon series:


5. How to Increase Race Pace: Sprint Training

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Next articleHow to Increase Race Pace: Sprint Training