5 Tips Every New Runner Needs to Know

More and more people are taking to running to protect and improve their health and fitness.

New to running? Feeling confused or frustrated on your journey? Are you looking for some guidance to get you started? Here are some top beginner running tips from the experts to get you in the game. 


Beginner running tips #1 – Running is the embodiment that you can tell yourself…you can!

Our top beginner running tips start with motivation. Motivation gets you out there! When you feel defeated but you tell yourself that you are in control and continue to push through is a powerful feeling of accomplishment. The biggest enemy is ourselves.

The benefits of a runner’s attitude will stretch out into all other aspects of your life. 

If you’re reading this, then you’re in the right place to gather all the information you need to get yourself off to a flying start. The hardest part of anything is starting.

Generating Accomplishment

Achievement is most embodied in a beginner when they put on their running shoes and just start running. You don’t have to finish a long 10k just to feel accomplished. Once you get up and start running, it feels amazing.  

Keep track, watch the progress you create for yourself and you’ll experience the snowball effect as more and more endorphins release.


This will give you a sense of pride and freedom, this feeling will keep you motivated and inspired to carry on through to the point you will inspire others to take up a journey of their own. 

Together we can create a positive movement in the world, for the health of ourselves, families, friends and communities. It all starts with you!

#2 – Hydration + Nutrition 

Beginner running tips #2 – Hydration

No article on beginner running tips would be complete without pointing out the need for proper hydration. It will make the difference between night and day. Most people are not drinking enough water. So start today, start now. Grab yourself a pint glass, head to the tap and pour away. Do this frequently and often, not only will it eliminate a series of potential health problems but it will aid in your performance and recovery.

Bringing water to your lips will increase your blood volume which in turn allows nutrients to flow throughout your body with greater ease. Dehydration causes thick blood and this will impair your energy and slow you down. Check that your pee is always a pale yellow.


Another great tip for beginners just starting running is that running will burn a lot of calories! So what you eat before running is important.

Running on an empty stomach is never going to be as good as running with a decent meal an hour or so prior to exercising.

Food is your friend; food is your fuel. Think of your body as a car, your food is the fuel and quality hydration is the oil. 

If you’re running in the early morning and want to get out before a decent breakfast, some fruit will give you a nice carbohydrate boost to fuel your adventure. 

More Nutrition

Runs that prolong over 45 minutes may require additional energy during the run to keep you going. A longer run will require you to pack your Flip Belt with Energy Gels, Beans and Bars to ensure you have energy to get yourself through.

Eating well post run is just as important as what you eat before and during running. After your session, kick your trainers off, soak in a hot shower or bath, massage your muscles, then eat a recovery meal. This should be a high protein meal with some form of carbohydrates to help your muscles recover. Evidently, the quicker you recover the faster and more frequent your new running hobby will become.

#3 – Guidance

Beginner running tips #3 – Don’t try to reinvent the path to success!

Just imagine, you rush home from a bad day at the office with a burning desire to try out your new running shoes. You barge through the door, chuck your kit on, push your screaming kids out the way and start sprinting up the road like Forest Gump. You get 2 miles in and realise your veins are pumping battery acid and your lungs are inhaling hell fire. The next day you hobble into work with shin splints feeling tired, frustrated and defeated.

Well, don’t worry your not alone. We’ve all done it! The good news is you just need to change your approach and this will all clear up in no time.

Remember to focus on the big picture. 

Keep you eye on the Big Picture

Firstly, you need to earn your running legs. Your lungs and vo2 max need training also. Seeking guidance is the best way you can save yourself from a whole host of troubles. 

Be realistic, set targets, start small and build yourself up. 


Before you set off on your journey, consider your running goals and set yourself up with a running programme.

Programmes stretch from achieving that first 5k to running a marathon and more.

They will get you there safely, and as quickly as possible. Stay consistent and you’ll hit your goals and reap the rewards.

Running Aides

If you have a smart phone, a great starting place is to use apps to track your distance, speed and mapping out your runs to quench your curiosity. Most of them are free and will allow you to track and record every step you take.

There are many different apps to pick from, so it could be worth downloading a couple of them to see which one you prefer and will benefit you the most. 

A good example is Adidas Running by Runtastic. This app will store your running goals, keep record of your activity, where you’ve been, display your progress and track the calories you’re burning.

It has a voice coach to let you know how far and how fast you’re running. It also has a regular blog full of great information to help keep you interested and enables you to link up with your running community.

The premium version will even give you a running programme fitted to your goals.

Find a Running Club

Another way to find good guidance is by joining a running club. They are equally important, if not more so, than a running programme and there are many running clubs in your local area. Seek them out and join in the fun with good company.

Club members are friendly people who come from all different walks of life and are varied in their abilities depending on where they are in their journey. Moreover, they can help fill you in with additional information and keep you accountable to your goals. 

#4 – Essential Clothing + Accessories  

Beginner running tips #4 – Avoid Cotton


Firstly, cotton will hold onto moisture like a cat torturing a mouse. Secondly, wearing unsuitable clothing in moderate activity in wet weather or a hot and sweaty environment will create chafing. Chafing may not sound too bad to some but believe me, you don’t know pain until your thighs and armpits start bleeding from the friction!


Another enemy #1 are incorrect socks. Your feet go through a fair bit of impact when running so correct foot protection is another must. In addition, technical socks wick moisture and prevent friction. This means no more blisters, no more soggy feet! Socks come in all shapes and sizes and cushion levels. Everyone is different, and has a preference. Be sure to explore the market and customise your set up.

Get Yourself Kitted Out

To conclude, choosing the correct clothing will save you a whole world of pain. Moisture wicking materials are the key. Go to your local running store and kit yourself out with the essentials. Tops, shorts, socks, gloves, hats and last but not least Runderwear!

Sports Bra Fitting

Sports bras can also save you from a lot of pain and discomfort. Save yourself the guess work and reach out for a Bra Fitting!

Likewise, sports bras come in different styles and fits and have varied features for a customised experience for the individual.

Running Belts

Furthermore, running clothes don’t usually come with deep pockets to store many items, this is to prevent excessive movement and chafing. However, you now have another dilemma, where do you put your stuff?

Accessories such as; Flip belts will enable you to carry essential items most people like to take with them on a run, especially longer runs, and when running in new unfamiliar places.

These belts enable you to stash your keys, phone and wallet with ease. Additional compartments also allow space for Energy gels, bars and sweets. All inside of a nice snug and secure belt that doesn’t chaff or create movement.

Tune belts and arm bands are also good for keeping your hands free by strapping your phone to your arm, very handy for those who enjoy listening to music when running. 

If you’re in need of any clothing or accessories, you can find them all on our website or pop in store for a closer look. 

#5 – Professionally Fitted Running Shoes

Beginner running tips #5 – Shoes!

Equally important, if not more, is shoe choice. Ah yes, running shoes, the corner stone of all running mumbo jumbo and confusion. In the event of having to select a new trainer, you may feel like you’re navigating yourself through a mine field!

Which to pick?

Firstly, running shoes come in all different shapes, sizes and styles. There are racing flats, racing spikes, cross country spikes, road shoes, trail and fell trainers. Considering which ones you need will require asking some deeper questions.


Equally important is customising the shoe to your own preferences. Do you like a plush cushioned feel? Or do you like a more responsive shoe? Do your feet overpronate or supinate? Do you get any aches and pains or have any injuries? Likewise, all these factors come into play when selecting a trainer.

Gait Analysis and Shoe Fitting

Secondly, getting your goals, running style, running gait and biomechanics examined by a professional running store will give you a huge head start into your new journey.

This should be a place where professionals can aid you with their experience to get the right pair of trainers for you, perfectly fitted and fully customised to your liking. 

Selecting a Running Shop

There are many running stores across the UK, but here at Alexandra Sports, we now have over 40 years of experience in this subject.

Further more, we pride ourselves on being the #1 running store across the UK and are at the forefront of innovation in the business. Customer satisfaction guaranteed!

Interested in our services? Visit our website for more information on how we achieve the greatest service possible for our customers. 

You are now in the know on our to take part in one of the largest growing movements across the globe! Alexandra Sports wishes you all the best on your new journey.

If you happen to stumble across any problems throughout your running experience, we are here to help you every step of the way.

Can’t find the information you need here? Give us a call or come in store for professional experienced advice.


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